About Us
What are do doing?
Brand Women Leaders provides personal branding services for women entrepreneurs who are passionate about making a difference all around the world.
We stand for empowering women to have a wider impact at a broader level through personal branding tools, events and services.
We provide personal branding workshops and 1-1 personal branding consultancy.
Why Personal Branding?
Everyone has a gift to share and contribute to the rest of the world.
Personal branding is the best tool to cultivate that.
So why not use it?
Why Women Entrepreneurs?
Women entrepreneurs have unique talents, passion and potential to make a difference for others and contribute to the world and 'make it a better place' through their businesses.
If women discover and demonstrate their unique value, the world is going to look very different than now.

Brand Women Leaders?
Globally certified in
personal branding by
the personal branding guru William Arruda
Branding expertise in multinational companies and coaching expertise in international arena.
10+ countries
20+ companies
Our focus, expertise and passion is
branding WOMEN!
We are not branding everyone,
We are not branding products,
we are ONLY branding
WOMEN in business!

Who is the Founder?
İrem Sefa Yayımlar is a Personal Brand Creator empowering women leaders in business to make a difference, be visible, seen and heard through the personal branding methodology that she has invented.
Previously, she has managed corporate brands and created marketing strategies in leading multinational companies as a brand and marketing manager for 7+years. Then she worked in London as an International Division Manager in the world's leading training and development company, Landmark Worldwide and coached over 300+ people in Europe to reach their goals.
She discovered that she could use all the branding and marketing expertise as well as coaching experiences to empower women to break the glass ceilings that they are facing. Her passion is empowering women because she thinks women have unique talents, passion and potential to make a difference to heal the world through their leadership skills. So, combining her passion of empowering women with her branding & marketing expertise and coaching experiences, she is currently running her own business and co-creating personal brands with business women demonstrating their unique value and leadership in the relevant industry all around the world. Related to that, she is the founder of brandyMe Personal Brand Consultancy and Brand Women Leaders Community in which she provides 1-1 personal branding consultancy services, workshops and networking events for women in business to empower them to recreate their unique and leading personal brands.
So far, she has provided personal branding consultancy to more than 1000 women in more than 10 countries and also gave personal branding workshops at international corporate companies such as Meta (Facebook), SAP, Akbank, BriSA, Koton.
She is a Certified Personal Brand Strategist, ICF Coach accredited at Reach Personal Branding School by William Arruda in Personal Branding Strategist, Digital Branding Strategist and 360Reach Personal Brand Analyst Programs.
She believes each person has a gift to share and contribute to the rest of the world. Personal branding is the best tool to cultivate that. So, she is also the founder of the one and only Personal Brand Academy in Turkey and organizing Personal Brand Summits in Turkey since 2020, in which the Academy hosts multiple speakers from private & public sector, entrepreneurs, artists, sports people, NGO Leaders as well as personal branding experts to share their inspiring personal brand stories and strategies to create awareness about
personal branding for hundreds of people.
In 2022, she has become the one & only official partner of "Father of the Marketing", Philip Kotler to create and execute marketing strategy of the world's biggest marketing summit "World Marketing Summit".
Besides, she is one of the few personal branding experts worldwide,
having speech in World Marketing Summit.