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Brand Your Super Power Workshop

Thu, 04 Mar



As a woman infopreneuer (coach & consultant) you will learn how to create, build, communicate and sustain your personal brand to increase visibility and attract more opportunities as well as clients in this workshop!

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Brand Your Super Power Workshop
Brand Your Super Power Workshop

Time & Place

04 Mar 2021, 15:00 – 18:00



As a woman infopreneur, you will discover how to stand out with your strengths, expertise, unique value and leadership in your field and atract more clients through your personal brand.

At the end of the workshop you will be creating your personal brand promise to accurately sum up what you do and what you stand for. It's essentially your unique value proposition that you do better and different than any of your competitors.

If you a woman infopreneurs who wants more visibility and recognition to make a difference for more people, you should come to this workshop!


- What is Personal Brand & Personal Branding?

- Why is Personal Branding Important for Women Infopreneurs (coach, consultant)?

- What Does Personal Branding Provide for Women Infopreneurs?

- Key Elements of Personal Branding

- Personal Branding Process for Women Infopreneurs

- Exercise: Creating Personal Brand Promise

PS: Workshop is special for women infopreneurs!


İrem Sefa Yayımlar is specialized on strategic marketing & brand management in multinational companies with performance coaching experiences over 100+ people in Europe. She is Certified Personal Brand Strategist ICF Coach accredited in Personal Branding Guru, William Arruda's Personal Branding Strategist, Digital Branding Strategist Program and 360Reach Personal Brand Analyst Program. Combining her passion of empowering women with her expertise and experiences, she is currently running her own business, BrandyMe Personal Branding Consultancy, and re-creating personal brands for business women demonstrating their unique value and leadership in the relevant industry. Related to that, she is the founder of international Brand Women Leaders Network Community providing online networking opportunities and personal branding services all around the world. Additionally she is the founder of one and only Personal Branding Academy (Kişisel Marka Akademisi) in Turkey.


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