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Are you a passionate woman in business
Who wants to be a
'Magnetic Brand'?
Personal branding is NOT only about communicating your brand on social media, having fancy visuals, logos, or website.
Personal branding is crafting your uniqueness: talents, strengths, passion, experiences, goals, mission, leadership style and then building it strategically as a solid, unbeatable, authentic and impressive brand that represents
If you are interested in this,
then you should book your free 1-1 discovery session
to see how you can have a wider impact at a broader level
through personal branding services of
Brand Women Leaders by İrem Sefa Yayımlar!

Brand Women Leaders?
Globally certified in
personal branding by
the personal branding guru William Arruda
Branding expertise in multinational companies and coaching expertise in international arena.
10+ countries
20+ companies
Our focus, expertise and passion is
branding WOMEN!
We are not branding everyone,
We are not branding products,
we are ONLY branding
WOMEN in business!
Watch Our Founder İrem Sefa Yayımlar's Speech
at the World's Biggest Marketing Summit
by Marketing Guru, Philip Kotler: WORLD MARKETING SUMMIT
"Personal Branding to
Break Glass Ceilings"
Online Services

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